The treatment plan will be tailored to each person individually. The clinic is specifically designed to find the right medication for people who have already tried dieting and exercise. We do encourage engagement with physiotherapy, a dietician and if appropriate a psychologist.
The first step of the treatment plan is assessing weather a person is a suitable candidate for weight loss medication. This involves a consultation and preferably an examination. If the person is a good candidate then we discuss the different types of weight loss medication available and decide which type would suit.
The difference types of weight loss medication produce difference amounts of weight loss. The weight loss also varies according to the type of people that take the medication. One of the most popular medications results in about 15% weight loss on average with about a third of people losing over 20% of their weight at 68 weeks according the STEP 1* clinical trail. The STEP 1* trial excluded people with with diabetes for whom the same medication and duration in a different clinical trial called the STEP 2** trial showed an average weight loss of 9.6% on average.
When you book a consultation you will be sent an email confirming the details. You will then have your consultation either in the clinic or online. If you are a good candidate for weight loss medication you will then have a prescription sent to your pharmacy where you can collect the medication.
We will try to contact you at 6 weeks to follow up how your progress. The next follow up appointment will be 3 months after starting the medication and then 6 months later. Additional follow up appointments can be arranged as required to ensure that you well looked after and provided with continual support to help you loss weight.
Recognised co-morbidities caused by excess weight:
Please book all consultations online
Our Booking system will request a payment in advance of making an appointment. All payments are fully refundable up to 48 hours before your appointment. If you do not cancel within 48 hours of your appointment you will forfeit your payment. Cancellations have to be carried out by emailing the clinic.
Medication Weight Loss Clinic
Fitzwilliam Business Centre,
26/27 Upper Pembroke Street,
Dublin 2, D02 X361
087 711 8850
Clinic Hours: Wednesday 9.30am -1.00pm
All Rights Reserved | Medication Weight Loss Clinic