Professor Carel le Roux

Professor Carel le Roux

The Medication Weight Loss Clinic was set up and is ran in association with Professor le Roux.  Professor le Roux is considered as one of Ireland’s leading experts in weight management and one of the world’s leading experts in the field. Professor le Roux is also a Director of the Metabolic Medicine Group in University College Dublin.

Professor le Roux graduated from medical school in Pretoria, South Africa and completed his specialist training in Metabolic Medicine at St Bartholomew’s Hospitals and the Hammersmith Hospitals. He obtained his PhD from Imperial College London where he later took up a faculty position before moving to UCD to take up his current position.


He currently coordinates an Innovative Medicine Initiative project on obesity. He previously received a President of Ireland Young Researcher Award, Irish Research Council Laureate Award, Clinician Scientist Award from the National Institute Health Research in the UK, and a Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Fellowship for his work on how to treat obesity as a chronic disease.

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